Crate workflow_log

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workflow_log is a part of the workflow-rs framework, subset of which is designed to function uniformally across multiple environments including native Rust, WASM-browser and Solana OS targets.

When you application is built in the native application environment macros such as log_info!() will invoke println!(), in WASM they will invoke console.log() and under Solana they will invoke sol_log() (used by msg!() macro)

workflow-log macros operate the same way as regular functions such as println!()

The following core macros are available:

  • log_trace!()
  • log_debug!()
  • log_info!()
  • log_warn()
  • log_error!()

§Redirecting log output

This crate allows you to configure a log sink that will receive all log messages from your application. This is useful to route log messages to an external receiver or, for example, store logs to a file.

Log sink can be installed using workflow_log::pipe function and supplying it with an Arc of the workflow_log::Sink trait. The trait function workflow_log::Sink::write should return true to indicate the the text should be outputed to the console, or false to prevent further output (i.e. to consume the log text)


use workflow_log::*;
use std::sync::Arc;

pub struct MyStruct;
impl Sink for MyStruct {
    fn write(&self, target: Option<&str>, level:Level, args : &std::fmt::Arguments<'_>) -> bool {
        println!("target: {target:?}");
        println!("level: {level:?}");
        println!("args: {args:?}");

        // return true to continue output
        // return false to prevent further output

let my_struct = Arc::new(MyStruct{});
log_trace!("test msg");

To can disable the sink by supplying Option::None to workflow_log::pipe.






  • An enum representing the available verbosity levels of the logger.
  • An enum representing the available verbosity level filters of the logger.


  • A log sink trait that can be installed into the log subsystem using the pipe function and will receive all log messages.


Type Aliases§